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Trane Solutions Increase Operational and Energy Efficiency at Intesa
Sanpaolo Data Center

Intesa Sanpaolo, one of the top banks in the Euro Zone, upgraded the infrastructure at its
data center in Parma, Italy, to increase energy and operational efficiency. Recent energy
savings improvements provide reliable, efficient and capable cooling critical to the data
center environment. The upgrades also meet sustainability standards and are part of the
Intesa Sanpaolo commitment to environmental stewardship and the journey to reach a
high performance building outcome.

Trane experts started with a two-month study of the data center buildings, monitoring
temperatures and chiller load. The audit revealed that cooling system operations was not
optimized for efficiency, leading the chillers to operate at 50 percent load. Based on these
results, bank leaders selected energy conservation measures that met their needs while
improving energy efficiency and sustainability.

Upgrades included replacing two low-efficiency 400 kilowatt (kW) air-cooled chillers with
one high-efficiency 1,000 kW water-cooled system. A Tracer Summit™ chiller plant
management system was installed to control 7,500 kW of cooling production and
distribution. The control system reduced the number of chillers required to efficiently
operate the chiller plant.

Intesa Sanpaolo leaders also introduced an ongoing maintenance contract in addition to
predictive and preventative services provided by an offering called Trane Care™. The
implemented maintenance and service programs help ensure that the energy-efficient
and environmentally responsible systems keep running at optimum performance.
The improvements, completed in 2011, are expected to have a three-year payback
period. The system upgrade also provides reliable, efficient and capable cooling critical to
the data center environment. The improvements to the facility’s chilled water plant are
expected to increase energy efficiency by 16 percent.

Two-Stage Chillers

Two-Stage absorption chillers use the efficient series solution flow cycle which improves the unit efficiency over 50% compared to single effect models, these units are ideal when medium pressure steam or 350°F
(176.7°C) hot water is available.

Absorption technology reduces the requirement for electric energy and can give owners flexibility where electrical demand and consumption are expensive or in short supply.

Models available 111–1685 tons (390–5925 kW)






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